Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I'm done with all the bullshit. is an exciting time to be a yoga teacher. Yoga is expanding beyond something that only flexible white girls do. And in keeping with fostering my knowledge of how to help people help themselves, I know that I will have to continue my studies. I'll have to get trained, and certified, and get stamps on pieces of paper in the ways that the modern world wants me to, so that they know I'm qualified to be this thing called a yoga teacher.

As a relatively new yoga teacher of 1.5 yrs, but a practitioner of a dozen years exploring Anusara, Ashtanga, and several other offshoots of classical and tantric styles of yoga.... Well, I feel like I'm starting to know enough about this stuff to call bullshit.

You know when someone starts giving you advice on something, and you realize that they are more interested in telling a fact than understanding it? Or worse, they're actually miserable in their life and decisions, while they impart all their "wisdom" onto you? Stick with this, it relates:

As a person- as a part of my community and the director of my life- I am interested in having experiences. And I'm interested in having them from a place of balance, where I am aware that I'm having experiences. There is stress, there is hurt, there is laughter, there is love, and loneliness, and excitement, and responsibility, and patience, and losing patience... and these are all part of the game. It's not about only having one side of the experience wheel. Its actually not just about making money, and being impressive, and knowing things, and having things, and being viewed as a success.

It's about all of it. And experiencing it fully, so that you can then leave it, and experience the next thing fully.

This is one of the many reasons why I practice yoga. This is what I have always looked for in yoga teachers. This is what I hope to impart as I have begun to teach yoga. As an ongoing practitioner, I've refined my ideas about what is really yoga for me. I now look for teachers who can guide my thinking around the way I experience.

Like most who come to yoga, I was looking to "fix" something. Since I was a child I struggled with mental focus (call it ADD, anxiety, depression... or just call it living in the modern world - who isn't struggling with one of these in 2015?). After horrible allergies to plants and dust that started at age twenty-three, and lasted for years on end, leaving me something like a carrying vessel for mucous, and a direct supplier to my allergy specialist's annual salary... After trying cleanse after cleanse, an all-organic diet, a gluten-free diet, soy-free, corn-free, dairy-free, all kinds of herbs... After being a sick person looking for something to fix me... After years of observing that indeed when my mind was in the tank, my body followed... After finding a diet that seemed to stabilize me (gluten free, easy on the uncultured dairy) and after believing that I had to blindly follow the teachings of some untouchable yoga guru in order to get closer to this nebulous idea of enlightenment or even something as simple as happiness...

After all that, frankly, I'm done with that bullshit. Yes, those are experiences. And the bad is part of what we have to deal with in this life, as much as the good. But did you notice something about that paragraph? It's all focusing on getting somewhere. Its all focusing on getting rid of something. If you're always going toward, or getting away from, you're never just... THERE.

There's a lot of yoga today that focuses on these things. We are a culture that ignores our bodies until we can't, and then we pay all kinds of attention to sickness. And I feel like after twelve years of practice, and searching, and piecing together clues about diet, and emotions, and reactions, and treatments... I have done my fair share of looking ahead and behind for myself, my body, and my life.

Now I focus on what I have. I focus on what I enjoy, and what feels good. Its a relatively new way of thinking for me - only about a year if I'm to be honest. (And why NOT be honest?) But the change in my body is visible. The change in my persona is like a breath of fresh air. The change in my outlook of my options, my life, my advantages and disadvantages, the love I've had and lost, and my capacity to try... its all changed, and it feels fucking fantastic. And it feels much more simple because I allow it to be.

What do I have? (Not what do I want, or what don't I have.)

Of course, knowing a thing and using it are different. Now that I know this way of approaching my breath, and stiffness, and soreness, and challenging poses, and challenging life moments... one moment at a time, I can redirect my thinking to what I have. What is here, and working. How do I augment that so that I can make the next thing work? My yoga mat is my 2-foot by 6-foot space to practice these skills. And that's the way I want to continue to practice. And that's why I practice at YOGA Garden Minneapolis.


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sugar Kicker #5: Apple Crisp

This stuff was so good I ate the whole bleep bleep pan before I could take a picture of it. but you know what apple crisp looks like.... like this:



Or something.

Try it. It's delicious:

- 4 cups apples, cut up into wedges (I mixed Jonagold, Honeycrisp, and Zestar) Skinned if you prefer.
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- a few drops of pure almond extract
- 1 cup chopped up dates

Mix in a separate bowl
- 1/8 cup quinoa flour
- 1/8 cup corn starch
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1/2 cup sucanat -- this stuff is pricey, but has the best flavor of the "low glycemic sugar substitutes" that I've tried. I'ts basically raw maple sugar, and has a nice nutty flavor I like, similar to maple syrup. You could also try maple syrup, but the liquid factor might make your crisp a little gummy. Sucanat is a powdery granule substance like sugar.
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
-1/2 teaspoon salt
- 4 Tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces.

Use your hands and mix all of bowl #2 together, crushing the butter into the mixture till its crumbly.

Grease a 9 x 9 pan
Throw the apple (bowl #1) in the bottom.
Sprinkle bowl #2 on top.

Bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes.

Let stand, serve with any goddamned thing you want, its delicious with anything.


Sundays @ 10:30am - 90 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
Mondays @ 5:15pm - 60 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
1229 Tyler Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Yoga Garden is cash / check only. 
Please note the doors to the FROST building lock 15 minutes after the start of each class.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sugar Kicker #4: Read Your Labels

Alright friends -

It's been two weeks since I posted - If you're itchy to get to the part about the sugar, scroll down.

I've been reflecting on change a lot this past week, as I had a death in the family. We lost my 94-yr-old grandmother. As to be expected, there's been all kinds of photos and stories coming out about my very creative, very progressive-for-her-time grandma, and I'm very much feeling the winds of change this week, as one chapter closes, and I have begun two new ones -  I'm working with Laurel Van Matre to plan her first 200-hr teacher training track through yoga alliance this coming winter at Yoga Garden (!!!), and I've started my first round of voice lessons out of my brand new Entertainment Jill Studio for this fall in NE Minneapolis. (!!!!)

It's the season for change - the cold weather came blasting in this week in Minneapolis, and my students seemed to be feeling the slow down that is inevitable with this process. Leaves are turning, temperatures are dropping, animals are stockpiling or leaving in preparation for the winter, for hibernating. It's appropriate that we would also be feeling the effects of these changes, and so you can expect some extra time in lengthy floor poses, stretching out, and really taking the time to sink into some deeper versions of poses. It's also a perfect time to prep your system for the cold, and kick a sugar habit.

So here's my #4 trick for kicking sugar: read your labels. You've been good to not drink soda, and not eat dessert. Here's the next step where things can reeeeally start to feel different.
But a forewarning, this is an under-taking. If you have never been a label-reader, you might get a little overwhelmed. May I attempt to ease your mind, and remind you to take things one step at a time. Change one food per week, or per shopping trip.

Sugar has been snuck into just about any pre-packaged food you can find these days. (Unless of course, the product is jumping on the sugar free bandwagon.) Bread. Crackers. Sauces. Dried Fruit. Bottled juices and smoothies. Yogurt. Soup, for crying out loud. Why is this? Well, I'll bring up my favorite article from WebMD about how addictive sugar is. Those food companies are a business, and when you buy more, they win. So putting a slightly addictive substance in their product is more likely to get you to eat it more often. It's a primal response to a substance our brains are wired to like a whole whole lot. It also does just make things taste better.

Now, I'm not saying all food companies are evil. (Ok, if you talk to me, I'll say some of them are evil, alas I digress from a rant.) But I am saying that eating sugar in small amounts of ALL food ALL day long.... well, it doesn't take a food scientist to know that it's not good for you.

So one way to help boost your energy level - and I mean a LOT - is to start buying foods that don't add sugar to your day-to-day meals and snacks. That way when you want dessert, you JUST have dessert, and your body doesn't just become a sugar-processing factory.

Aaaaaaaaaaand end soap box.  Happy label reading!!

P.S. tip #4.5 - this is why I shop at co-ops. There are many more brand options that subscribe to a "no added sugar" ideal when making their products.

P.S. tip #4.75 - changing your taste habits takes as much effort and will as not eating dessert, or any other change. Give yourself time. Try for brands you actually like eating. Allow change to happen slowly, and go for one item at a time.


Sundays @ 10:30am - 90 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
Mondays @ 5:15pm - 60 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
1229 Tyler Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Yoga Garden is cash / check only. 
Please note the doors to the FROST building lock 15 minutes after the start of each class.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Sugar Kicker #3: "Caramel" Sauce

Ok, I went ahead and put "caramel" in quotations because this really isn't caramel. It's like vegan "sausage..." it's NOT sausage.

That said, whatever you want to call this, it is DELICIOUS, and is rich and sweet and creamy like caramel sauce. Right down to the ooey-gooey- texture we love about caramel.

Go nuts and put this on ice cream, apples for fall, as a lovely dairy-free frosting for a spice cake... or you know... spoon & jar.


½ cup coconut oil
1/3 cup almond butter
½ cup maple syrup
seeds from ½ a vanilla bean pod or 1 tsp vanilla
up to ¼ teaspoon salt (start with a pinch)

Blend all ingredients, starting with a ¼ teaspoon of the salt, in a food processor or very strong blender.  Pulse until well combined, then let it process for several minutes. Taste to check salt level and add more if desired.  The mixture will warm slightly in the processor and the textures will meld, eventually forming a gooey, delicious caramel.

When you're done, it looks like this:

Aaaaaaand, if you want to watch a rather humorous video with a couple of women who show you how its done, and who really enjoy this stuff, CLICK HERE.

I had a student tell me today that she lost 10 lbs in the month of September, just from keeping sugar out of her diet.

Now again, I feel the need to disclaimer - I'm not a doctor, or a licensed food or health coach, and the whole point of what we do in yoga is to familiarize yourself with YOUR body and they way it reacts to things. Your age, stress level, the rest of your diet, activity level, genetics... they all play a part, and everyone is different. But in my corner of the world people have been telling me they have more energy and have been surprised at the difference, and I hope you're all experiencing some change in energy or feeling of well-being as well.

Hope to see you in class this week!

Sundays @ 10:30am - 90 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
Mondays @ 5:15pm - 60 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
1229 Tyler Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Yoga Garden is cash / check only. 
Please note the doors to the FROST building lock 15 minutes after the start of each class.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sugar Kicker #2: Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Ok guys - The Banana ice cream was more of a "one-size-fits-all dessert, because who doesn't like Bananas?

This one might be more for the adventurous of you.... or those who really like avocados, like me. I've been told by some that this is a delicious alternative to other creamy, sugary treats. Aaaaaaaand I've been told that my taste buds are warped. There are a few *key* things that make this recipe work in my opinion, of which these items have been starred:

Avocado Pudding:

- 2 *chilled* ripe avocados (The ones on the left are perfect - the one on the right is a little over-ripe for my taste.) Scoop em out, and throw them in your food processor, VitaMix, or any *high-powered* blender.

- 1/4 cup *good* unsweetened cocoa powder. Ain't no Hershey's gonna cut it here, if you want it to taste like something you want to eat.

- *1 TB coconut oil.* Makes it smooth and creamy, and adds a little rich sweetness.

- 1/4 - 1/2 cup honey. Depending on your taste and how sweet you like it. Careful, a little goes a long way, so start with less, and add more if you want.

- 1 tsp. *real* vanilla extract. 

- 1 ice cube. For some reason, this recipe tastes sooooo much better cold.

Throw all this in your food processor, VitaMix, or any *high-powered* blender, and blend it till its smooth and creamy. If it tastes chalky, add a little more honey and vanilla. If its too sweet, add a little vanilla and a pinch of salt.  It'll look something like this:

#YogaWithCalley at Yoga Garden Minneapolis:

Sundays @ 10:30am - 90 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
Mondays @ 5:15pm - 60 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
1229 Tyler Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Yoga Garden is cash / check only. 
Please note the doors to the FROST building lock 15 minutes after the start of each class.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Sugar-Kicker #1: Banana Ice Cream

All it is is frozen bananas, ripened to your liking, blended in a food processor or blender.

That's literally it. And it tastes delicious.

If you want a little more for flavor like me, add some unsweetened cocoa powder (2-3 Tablespoons), and a teaspoon of vanilla. Or really, any other flavor you like: hazelnut extract, cinnamon, penut butter, vanilla extract by itself....

If you reeeeeeally need to see a whole step-by-step recipe, click here.

Happy no sugar-ing! Hope to see you in class this week!!

#YogaWithCalley at Yoga Garden Minneapolis:

Sundays @ 10:30am - 90 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
Mondays @ 5:15pm - 60 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
1229 Tyler Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Yoga Garden is cash / check only. 
Please note the doors to the FROST building lock 15 minutes after the start of each class.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

No Sugar for 53 Days!

So today marks day one of fifty-three without refined sugar, and if you're with me on this little challenge, hip hip hooray! Let me preface by saying that, kinda like my motto with all things in yoga, health, and general life: a little is better than none at all. If you decide to make this challenge about lessening your refined sugar intake, and beginning to educate yourself and learn more about alternative ways to get a sweet fix, POWER YOU YOU MY BOTHERS AND SISTERS! The idea for this challenge came up in one of my classes about a month ago during a conversation about the addictive quality of sugar... as I joke, I have a few "reverse gateway" recipes that helped me kick a bad habit with sugar a few years ago, but in the beginning it was tough! And as it turns out, there's a reason for that: Sugar is a highly addictive substance. As in, it lights up the same part of your brain as cocaine. Eeesh. See what WebMD has to say about it

SO! I hope a few of you are still with me in this little no-sugar quest. First tasks?
Arm yourself from cravings by shopping for some good cheater substitutes, and be willing to read the labels of any packaged food that you buy. Sugar gets added to a LOT of foods because our brains and tastebuds are wired to like things like sugar and fat. Back when we used to have to hunt and gather for survival, these tastes were indicators of high-calorie foods. This primal instinct is no longer necessary in our modern world, but our bodies have yet to catch up to that notion, and food companies got smart that if they add sugar, you're more likely to like their product and buy it again.

These first few days are likely to be the hardest, and in keeping with my practical approach to improving health, its a good idea to find cheater substitutes that you actually like, and therefor are most likely to use. Keep in mind: Start by adding foods you like which don't have sugar to your day, instead of focusing on cutting out the sugary foods you crave.

Buuuuuut, you're likely to hit a craving or two, so here's a few cheater foods / ingredients to arm yourself with:

*Dates (pitted, un-pitted, cut up whole.... you pick which you like. I usually go for whole un-pitted because I don't have to spend time pitting, but they stay moist as whole dates.)
*Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
*Real Vanilla Extract
*Coconut Oil
*Dried **unsweetened** Coconut (read the label!)
*Cinnamon, Nutmeg, & Ginger spices
*Oranges, Magoes, Bananas, Pineapple
*Maple Syrup

In the coming days and weeks, I'll be sharing some recipes that you can try at home for those moments when your cravings are owning you.

My sister-the-doc would also tell you that getting refined sugar out of your diet IS important, but equally important is understanding that this effort should be made with full understanding that just replacing sugar with equal substitutes of maple syrup and honey is not really hitting the point. The point is to re-wire your brain to enjoy a diet with less sugar, which can only happen if you're willing and ready to make a change, knowing that the process to getting there will be challenging, and may include some withdrawal. 

So making this effort for change as a group, and telling people around you who can help you stick to your goal are helpful tools! Tell your partner, spouse, best friend, boss.... whomever you trust to help you stick to your guns! Or email me :)


Friday, June 19, 2015

Why I Teach Yoga

I'm a musician to my core. Since I was a baby I've been musical. Singing was all I ever wanted to do. And I've been singing and working professionally - with varying degrees, and various parts of the entertainment industry - since I was nineteen. Since moving to Minnesota in 2013, a lot of things have shifted. For one, this is the smallest market I've worked in as a free-lancer, and I'm attempting to delve into a new area of entertainment in voice over and production. The days of paying bills with music have been skinny since I moved here, and I've had to be patient and realize that I'm attempting new things in a new place. I recently went to my formerly-usual Monday night hang at Ice House, and one of my musician buddies said,

"Calley you ever gonna come back to music?" 

He was referring to all the pushing I've been doing for my yoga classes. It made me think. I didn't really think that I'd left music, its just that work can be hard to come by when you're the new girl in town, and I'm putting efforts in new directions, including a very exciting project which is currently in the works.

But it also made me think about why I'm teaching yoga.

How to consolidate into one post?! I'm teaching yoga because I love to teach, and I love the way yoga makes me feel, and I think there are plenty of options of studios and teachers out there for flexible, pretty girls to feel good about touching their toes. Trust me, I am alllllways all about girls feeling better about themselves, especially the pretty ones who often get pegged as bitchy, or snotty, or dumb. Those girls deserve happiness as much as any other human. But with the growth of yoga as a business and a presence in our culture, I see a need for teachers who can connect with other types of seekers. The yoga I love and teach may help you feel better immediately, but its essence is never in the expectation for a quick fix. I teach with the intent to stay true to why I started practicing, and help offer this resource to others who are looking for a resource.

I recently came across an article on Omeleto about this yogi from Durham, NC. I don't know this girl from Eve, I have no idea if she's a great yoga teacher or not, but man do I stand for what she stands for.

And I hope she's an inspiration for some of you to invite your own humility, love yourself into a new habit, and show up on the mat.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Allergies - They Suck, But This Shiz WORKED for me.

Hey friends! It's been a hot minute since I wrote a yoga blog post - I got some real info here for ya!

Spring has sprung in Minneapolis, and tis the season for allllll those yummy yummy allergy symptoms. Mmmmmmm, puffy eyes and sniffly noses. Or if you're anything like I used to be - sick with a massive congestion and chest cold that won't go away fully untill June.

Being that my yoga community and friends here in Minneapolis have only known me for about a year and a half, most of you probably see me as this incredibly healthy person. Which is true. But its because I used to be a chronically unhealthy person.

Now granted - I AM NOT A DOCTOR. (Though my sister is, and I brag about her all the time, and love geeking out with her on body stuff and health-related topics.) I'm'a pass on my decade of reading and practice with this shiz: I started suffering from pretty bad chronic allergies in 2005 while I was living in Texas, and had to be put on three daily prescriptions, weekly shots, and was seeing a voice therapist to help my inflamed and swollen vocal chords so that I could continue to work as a singer. Because I was amazed at the cost of drugs, allergy testing, and specialist visits, and horrified at the idea of being chained to this routine and trapped in an unhealthy body, I basically became an allergy information vacuum consuming every opinion and remedy I could find on chronic allergies. Over the years I've done a lot of reading. I've seen MD's, allergists, DO's, physical therapists, massage therapists, and even saved a bunch of green one spring and used an acupuncturist weekly for two months because I was sooooo dreading being sick and miserable for an entire month. I've read up on diet studies and how they affect our bodies' immune system (which is where immunodeficiencies AKA allergies originate in the body), I've tried all kinds of cleanses, diets, and remedies, and I've gone to about a thousand yoga classes.

And so, as a person on a quest to bring the happiness of health to all my peeps, scroll down to read what I've learned over ten years.  Its difficult to appreciate your health until you don't have it, but man does it suck when you don't. I figured I would share with you what I've tried and used in the event that what has worked wonders for me might work for you. Because of my lifestyle and diet changes, I've been self-managed with my allergies since the summer of 2010. I no longer get sick and bedridden for two weeks every May, I no longer take allergy shots or medications, and I no longer feel like my health is out of control. Are my symptoms gone entirely? Nope, but they're a hell of a lot better.

Everyone is different. Everyone. And your life factors DO affect your health, particularly - as the studies are catching on to - your stress level. Do you like your job? Are in a supportive relationship(s)? Do you get the outlets you need in life, be they emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual? These things affect your stress level, and your stress level affects your immunity, and your immunity is directly tied to allergies. So take note - these are remedies, not cures. And I do all of these things because yes, I was that miserable and it was better and easier to make these changes than to insist on keeping my old habits and be sick all the time. Life is a series of choices, you must find your own "happy life cocktail."

Foods I avoid during allergy season (because they contribute to either inflammation or congestion, or both):

Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. There are so many studies being done on how addictive and dangerous sugar is, so this is a HAAAAARD one to give up - especially because its in almost everything pre-packaged, so get ready to become that annoying person reading all the labels in the grocery store. Just do it. Think about it: sick...  read labels... sick... read labels... your call. PS - Honey and maple syrup are nice alternatives that don't affect your body the same way - when used in moderation. And truly, once you've managed to kick the sugar habit, you won't crave it. It starts to taste kind of chemical after you've gotten it out of your diet for a couple of months.

Gluten. Gluten means wheat, barley, and rye. I actually figured out this was a problem for me in 2008, had a hard slow letting go of New York City baked goods for three years, (oh, the baked goods that can be bought on every street corner of New York City... be still, my gut), and cut gluten out of my diet entirely in 2011. The change was incredible for my own health. Eating gluten for me is almost a guarantee that I will get a congestion cold, and an absolute guarantee that my energy level goes in the tank. That does not mean this is the diet for everyone. What I read and found out was that seasonal allergies are often exacerbated by other latent food sensitivities. (Other common culprits are soy and corn. Neither of those was a problem for me.) The kicker?: with the the way that digestion works, you have to be willing to cut out a food for a minimum of six weeks (usually) to start to really notice a difference, as our intestines and digestive systems hang on to nutrients for quite some time. (Sometimes years, which is gross to think about, but a bit enlightening as well... eeesh.) As was recommended to me, cut foods out one at a time for six weeks. Take note of how you feel. Try a small amount of that food after six weeks and see what you feel then.
Now, yes, you can go buying expensive gluten-free bakery items to try to maintain your current diet... but I've always thought if you're going to change your diet, be willing to really change and maybe try new things that are just naturally gluten free: like rice, and quinoa, and vegetables, and meats, and legumes... Thankfully Indian, Thai, and Latin food have all kinds of naturally gluten free dishes. And I love me some Indian, Thai, and Latin food. Mmmm, mm. I haven't ventured much into the paleo land (no grains whatsoever), but I know lots of friends with similar symptoms who've had great success with a paleo diet.

Dairy. Pasteurized dairy contributes to mucous production, and if your body is already over-producing mucous from your allergies, then this is a good thing to cut out of your diet. This one I cheat on with cheese and butter because I usually don't eat large quantities of butter (more than a tablespoon or two), nor do I eat it very often. I've largely switched any use of butter in cooking and baking with oil alternatives, so now I just eat butter when I want to taste it ON something. And cheese... well, everybody has a secret mistress (or mis-TER-ess as I would prefer to say), and mine is cheese. Same thing, I don't go downing a giant thing of mac-and-cheese during allergy season, but I'll have a slice on my burger. Also, did you know about Coconut Bliss ice cream? Its amazing. You seriously will not miss regular ice cream. Some non-dairy-ites have also had no problems with raw and unpasteurized dairy. This is tricky to find, as the sale of it has very specific legal specifications, but the few times I've gotten my hands on it, I notice that it doesn't seem to make me all mucous-y. And now that I've talked about my mucous how many times in this post, I will surely never have a date again. ;p

Alcohol. Yep, its a toughie. Especially if you're like me and the warm weather outside just makes you want to sit on patios and drink in the sunshine and a tall cocktail after a long Minnesota winter. But, you know, maybe find a friend to join you in sober nights-out? Or pick one night a week to reward yourself. I dunno, we all have to figure it out.

Foods I INCREASE during allergy season (because they are great at supporting immune health, and countering inflammation):

Tart cherries and apples. There have been some studies on the effect of tart cherries and tart cherry juice on inflammation of the joints. I happen to love tart cherries, and I feel that when I eat them, I do notice my inflammation and sinuses respond. Apples same thing. If you're buying the juice, beware the added sugar. PS - If you are CostCo shoppers, they sell an unsweetened cherry mix in the frozen fruit section that's like $10, and you can turn your frozen cherries into sorbet with a blender, some maple syrup, and either water or your pick of non-dairy milk. Mmmmmm sinus sorbet!

Turmeric. Sooooo, my sister - the awesome one who is a doctor - told me about taking turmeric supplements for inflammation. It's a bright orange root with light brown skin that is often used as a powdered seasoning in lots of Indian and Ayurvedic dishes. You can buy the root in raw form at the grocery store and add it to dishes (it's a bit more expensive this way, but also more potent), or get the powdered variety. You can buy turmeric supplements at a vitamin store, but if you're cheap like me, I go to the local ethnic food store and buy a bag of turmeric for about $3, and then buy pill capsules from the vitamin store and make my own capsules for wayyyyyy less than $20 a bottle. I take 3 capsules in the morning and 3 at night during high stress times or peak allergy times.

Miso, Kombucha, and Pro-Biotics. The jury is out about weather probiotics are actually helpful, as supposedly we all need different amounts and kinds of bacteria to balance out our gut, but we do know that good bacteria are good for us, when you can find the right balance.
These are foods that make me feel better when I'm starting to feel sick. And I go with what feels good most of the time, as opposed to what a doctor in Boston found out about a bunch of patients that have nothing to do with me. I know, I'm such a hippie. I add miso to just about any hot food that I can for the health benefit - you don't need much, a teaspoon or so. Vegetables, soup of any kind, use as a mayo substitute. The trick is to NOT cook it, as you'll cook and kill all the beneficial bacteria - add it to your hot foods just before you eat. Kombucha: Don't know what it is? It tastes a bit like fruity beer. Yes, its expensive if you think of it like buying a soda. No, its not expensive if you think of it like buying a beer. And, again, well, CHOICES PEOPLE. Pro - Biotics: I would ask someone in the supplement isle. I've found a brand that I notice seems to affect my energy level, so I use those. Trial and error might be your best bet, or ask a dietician.

Cider Vinegar. Mix it with salt, pepper, and water, and either drink a few sips if you can stomach it - OR, cut up some cucumber and let them brine for 20 minutes and then eat them. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING AT CLEARING OUT STUFFY SINUSES! Seriously, I don't even care what the medical research or reasoning is on this one, cider vinegar is a nectar of the gods, if you ask me. And I've converted a few people along the way who say the same thing. This is seriously something you should try on a day when you are miserable with allergies.

Other things that help my allergies:

Shower before bed. This is one of those things that's so simple and logical. I was MAD when after years of suffering from allergies, my sister said to me, "hey are you showering before bed? Cause you should be." Why had none of the allergists I'd spent thousands of dollars on ever said this to me? Ay, ay, ay, I digress. Here's the thing: we walk around all day and our hair and clothes and skin pick up small allergens in the air. Then you go and shove your face in a pillow with all these allergens clinging to your body while you're supposed to be sleeping and recovering and recuperating from the day, and instead you're breathing in the very thing you're allergic to all night long. And then you wake up feeling puffy, and stuffy, and un-rested. Duh. Shower at night. It's so easy. And makes SUCH a difference.

Yoga. Or Stretch. Same Dif. The reason yoga helps SO MUCH with allergies is that you literally get the lymph flowing through your blood when you stretch out or do yoga. Lymph fluid gets stuck in inflamed nodes when we're ill, and getting the lymph moving can help get rid of the symptoms of allergies. Even if you're sick at home, or low on energy, just lie on the floor for a few minutes while you watch a movie and stretch out your legs, arms, chest, and neck. Take deep breaths while you stretch. 10 minutes can make a world of difference. Come to a yoga class, and you'll wonder why you ever spent any money on decongestants at all. A word of warning: depending on who you are, and how regularly you exercise, this can also make you feel temporarily worse, as the lymph loosens the allergens and pushes them through your system all at once. Usually the effect is short-lived (a day or so), but just be prepared that you might feel worse before you feel better. Drink lots of water, stretch slowly, be your own keeper.

Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse. Ok, if you are really committed, and want to go the extra mile, here is the cleanse that I do every spring. It's a little intense to stick to, as you have to eat a strict diet for 8 days, take some supplements, and take time to do things like take baths and rub yourself down with oil. But man oh man, every spring that I have done this cleanse, I barely notice my allergies. It has been passed around in my yoga community for several years, and all my yogi friends who've done it, swear by it. Also, depending on how hard core you are or aren't, you can take the gentle approach and skip the supplements, oil rubs, and enema at the end. Just do the diet and you'll still get some real benefit:

Step One - Days 1-4

Internal Oleation.  The purpose of oleation is to loosen impurities lodged deeply in the cells and tissues.  This requires the consumption of ghee.  Ghee loosens the impurities and acts as a solvent to dissolve and mobilize the impurities so that they can be eliminated in the laxative phase of the cleanse.  Note: ghee can be heavy  to digest and may case slight feelings of dullness and/or nausea

Day 1: 2 teaspoons of ghee
Day 2: 4 teaspoons of ghee
Day 3: 6 teaspoons of ghee
Day 4: 8 teaspoons of ghee

Steamed vegetables
Green juices (celery, parsley, spinach, kale, ginger)

Ginger root tea
Cleansing tea

Triphala - 2 caps before bed (or 1/2 tsp of powder steeped for 10 minutes and strained)
Trikatu (ginger tea) - 1 cap in the am with ghee and 1 more with each meal
Blood/Liver cleanse - 2 caps with each meal

Step 2 - Days 5-7

External Oleation. Self massage for 3 days followed by a hot bath, shower or steam. Use generous amounts of oil.  Organic Sesame Oil is good.
Steamed vegetables
Green juices (celery, parsley, spinach, kale, ginger)

Ginger root tea
Cleansing tea

Triphala - 2 caps before bed (or 1/2 tsp of powder steeped for 10 minutes and strained)
Trikatu - 1 cap with each meal
Blood/Liver cleanse - 2 caps with each meal

Step 3 - Day 8 morning

Purgation method
Take 3-6 teaspoons of castor oil in the early morning on an empty stomach.
Castor oil in warm milk with cardamon, ginger and raw sugar
Castor oil in orange juice.  Take quickly and bite into another orange
Take a warm bath to increase circulation  and loosen the impurities before the laxative effect takes place
The laxative effect should take place in 1-4 hours. You may have several evacuations.  
If you have several evacuations, you may want to take an electrolyte supplement (sea salt, honey and lemon in warm water).

Steamed vegetables
Green juices (celery, parsley, spinach, kale, ginger)
Ginger root tea
Cleansing tea

Blood / Liver cleanse - 2 caps with each meal

Step 4 - Day 8 evening

Basti (enema)
100 ml (about 4 ounces) of warm sesame oil.
Do this in the evening before bed. You may release or retain. Do what you body says, don’t deny urges
You may wish to use a sanitary pad.

Coming out of the cleanse
Reintroduce foods gently.  
Add more fruits and fresh fruit juices
Add stir-fry to veggies
Add salads with dressings
Add more and varied grains
Be slow to reintroduce complex carbohydrates, Sugar, especially anything refined, Caffeine, Alcohol
Continue with supplements for 30 days, unless contraindicated


makes 4 servings

1/2 cup organic basmati rice
1/4 cup yellow mung dahl
3-4 cups water
2 teaspoons ghee
1/2 teaspoon each: ground coriander, ground cumin, ground fennel, ground ginger and turmeric
2 teaspoons fresh, chopped coriander (cilantro)
1 teaspoon salt

1. combine rice and mung dahl in a bowl and rinse well, drain.
2. add water and bring rice and dahl mixture to a boil. reduce heat and simmer for about 45 minutes.
3. in a separate pan, heat the ghee (careful not to burn it)
4. saute all spices, except the turmeric, in heated ghee (30 seconds..until aromatic)
5. add spices, including the turmeric, to rice and dahl mixture and stir well
6. add salt
7.  garnish with fresh corrinder leaves.

note:  you can add carrots, zucchini, sweet potato or other vegetables as desired

you want the consistency to be moist.


To make one quart of Ghee, melt  two pounds of butter in a saucepan over medium - low heat.  Do not leave ghee unattended as it can quickly scorch and burn. Do not cover the pot.  Stir occasionally.

Over the next 30-40 minutes, the water will boil away (note: approximately 20% of butter is water).

White milk curds will bubble to the top and settle to the bottom, separating from the oil. The ghee will make a sputtering sound throughout this process. When the curds turn a very light brown and the sputtering sounds diminish, the ghee is ready.  The ghee may faintly smell like popcorn.  Skim the foam off the top and gently spoon the oil into a glass jar, straining it through several layers of cheese cloth. Discard the curds and foam. 

Keep water and food out of your ghee jar, and there is no need to refrigerate it, and it will last indefinitely. 

Cleansing Tea (or use yogi de-tox)

Fennel seed ( 1part)
Fenugreek Seed (1 part)
Flax seed (1 part)
Burdock root (1/2 part)
Licorice root (1/4 part)
Peppermint (1 part)
Marshmallow root (1 part)

Simmer all the herbs together for 20 minutes. Strain.

Guidelines: Eat only kitchari as your meals during these seven days, but eat as much as you’d like.  Drink lots of water.  You may also drink herbal teas (like herbal laxative teas to help you wash out toxins) and eat fruit between meals as a snack (eat one type of fruit at a time).  Fruit juices may also be used (examples: freshly squeezed orange juice, or a mix of ginger/apple juice if you have a juicer).  TIP: You can top of the kitchari with pico de gallo, avocado, kale, or salad.


Happy Allergy Season!

#YogaWithCalley at Yoga Garden Minneapolis:

Sundays @ 10:00am - Abbreviated Ashtanga (great for beginners!)
1229 Tyler Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Yoga Garden is cash / check only. 
Please note the doors to the FROST building lock 15 minutes after the start of each class.