This one might be more for the adventurous of you.... or those who really like avocados, like me. I've been told by some that this is a delicious alternative to other creamy, sugary treats. Aaaaaaaand I've been told that my taste buds are warped. There are a few *key* things that make this recipe work in my opinion, of which these items have been starred:
Avocado Pudding:
- 2 *chilled* ripe avocados (The ones on the left are perfect - the one on the right is a little over-ripe for my taste.) Scoop em out, and throw them in your food processor, VitaMix, or any *high-powered* blender.
- 1/4 cup *good* unsweetened cocoa powder. Ain't no Hershey's gonna cut it here, if you want it to taste like something you want to eat.
- *1 TB coconut oil.* Makes it smooth and creamy, and adds a little rich sweetness.
- 1/4 - 1/2 cup honey. Depending on your taste and how sweet you like it. Careful, a little goes a long way, so start with less, and add more if you want.
- 1 tsp. *real* vanilla extract.
- 1 ice cube. For some reason, this recipe tastes sooooo much better cold.

Throw all this in your food processor, VitaMix, or any *high-powered* blender, and blend it till its smooth and creamy. If it tastes chalky, add a little more honey and vanilla. If its too sweet, add a little vanilla and a pinch of salt. It'll look something like this:
#YogaWithCalley at Yoga Garden Minneapolis:
Sundays @ 10:30am - 90 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
Mondays @ 5:15pm - 60 min - Mixed Level Vinyasa
1229 Tyler Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413
1229 Tyler Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413
Yoga Garden is cash / check only.
Please note the doors to the FROST building lock 15 minutes after the start of each class.
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